Class Rep Portals
Class Rep Program
The CBA Class Rep Program is a grassroots opportunity for each class and affinity group, such as sports programs and regional alumni groups, to network and come together for a variety of activities. The goal is for each class/group to have two or three designated representatives who work alongside and assist the Alumni Office in its yearly endeavors. To explore the program further or learn more about how to become a Class Representative, contact Bill Attardi ‘82, Director of Alumni Relations through the contact form below.
What it means to be a class rep
The mission of the CBA Class Rep Program is to foster community spirit and support CBA graduates. In simpler terms, we want to keep the power of the CBA Brotherhood alive and growing among the alumni long after their four years on campus.Through various programs and events, we hope to facilitate continued communications and network interactions, we hope to promote the welfare and character of the Christian Brothers Academy graduate, community and school. The network of class reps is the heart and soul of that spirit and the engine that keeps the spirit stirring in the larger community. To be a class rep is to commit to share that spirit among your class and within the larger alumni body.
current class representatives
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