In Memoriam

In loving memory of the community members we’ve lost.

Tributes Organized By Graduation Year

Class Of The 1970s

Class of 1970

A. Thomas Alterio ’70
Gary Buegler ’70
James G. Clark ’70
Joseph W. Cunningham ’70
Anthony F. D’Amore ’70
Thomas R. Davis ’70
Nicholas M. Ercolino ’70
Robert J. Grogan ’70
Frederick R. Haase ’70
Michael Hart ’70
Gregory M. Henderson ’70
William M. Kinney ’70
Kevin MacReynolds ’70
Timothy C. O’Mara ’70
Paul F. O’Neill ’70
Edward C. Puth ’70
George Rice ’70
James L. Schwartz ’70
John W. Stavola, Jr. ’70
William L. Taglieri ’70
Robert Viscount ’70
William C. Wolejsza ’70

Class of 1971

John Brennan ’71
William J. Bruno ’71
Adolph V. Carbone ’71
Thomas T. Conrad ’71
James T. Conroy ’71
Robert Cummings ’71
Patrick Curren ’71
Frederic E. Giersch ’71
Richard W. Ham ’71
Lawrence Jackson ’71
Mark T. Kineavy ’71
Timothy J. Krempecki ’71
Albert R. Marzano ’71
William P. McDermott ’71
Paul E. McMullen ’71
Kevin R. Murray ’71
Thomas Pallone ’71
Charles L. Petermann ’71
Rand S. Skopas ’71
Frank Stavola ’71
Eugene M. Szalankiewicz ’71
Kevin F. Tuohy ’71
Robert N. Wells ’71
Kenneth R. Zelinski ’71

Class of 1972

Kevin A. Arban ’72
Cleto J. Augusto ’72
Robert Emmett Barnacle ’72
Arthur F. Beck ’72
Steven H. Berka ’72
David B. Cadamuro ’72
John Cowie ’72
Donald M. de Camara ’72
Patrick Fagan ’72
E Kendall Gike ’72
Richard Halloran ’72
Francis Herchenroder ’72
Stephen Kafalas ’72
Timothy F. Kinney ’72
Thomas J. Martin ’72
Stephen McMenamin ’72
James P. Murray ’72
William B. Richards ’72
Peter Sheehan ’72
Thomas Wehrhahn ’72
David A. Wiegand ’72

Class of 1973

John J. Allegra ’73
Kenneth W. Balaban ’73
Edward Barry ’73
William J. Butterfield ’73
Howard C. Cannon III ’73
James M. Colaprico ’73
Peter Collora ’73
Michael Ferrigno ’73
William Flowers ’73
Frederick P. Hillmann ’73
Bjorn R. Johnson ’73
William G. Kaiser ’73
Mark J. Kennedy ’73
Jared Lisper ’73
Joshua J. Maresca ’73
Alex Michnewich ’73
Thomas R. O’Gara ’73
Francis Palmisano ’73
Brad Picher ’73
Stephen Rinaldi ’73
Francis Russo-Alesi ’73
Michael A. Sheehan ’73
Kevin Warshaw ’73
Christopher Yanni ’73

Class of 1974

Bart Catalane ’74
Leo G. Conroy ’74
Dennis E. Fay ’74
Edgar Geiger ’74
Michael T. Ham ’74
Mark F. Hemschoot ’74
James J. Jiminaro ’74
Kevin Koumjian ’74
Joseph Orzulski ’74
Dennis P. Sheehan ’74
Lawrence Talarico ’74
James P. Tidcombe ’74
Philip Welter ’74
Thomas J. Woods ’74

Class of 1975

Gary R. Collier ’75
Jacob DeRidder ’75
Leonard Diehl ’75
James F. Donovan ’75
Michael A. Fortunato ’75
John Freyer ’75
Gregory Garley ’75
Joseph P. Gaughran ’75
Anthony X. Guadagno ’75
Thomas Howley ’75
Michael Kuntne ’75
Anthony A. Marino ’75
Lee Morton ’75
Kevin Mullaney ’75
Steven Orban ’75
Daniel J. Petraitis ’75
Karl A. Rauch, Jr. ’75
Robert S. Roma ’75
Scott Rosenberg ’75
Michael Spratford ’75
Michael F. Squillante ’75
Thomas W. Van Nosdall ’75
Paul F. Voorhees ’75

Class of 1976

Philip Campo ’76
John J. Engelbrecht ’76
Kevin D. Gallagher ’76
Christopher B. Genola ’76
T. Stephen Gilligan, Jr. ’76
Adam Gordon ’76
John K. Halpin ’76
Kirk W. Johnson ’76
John M. Kolon ’76
Edward J. Martz ’76
Kenneth M. O’Gara ’76
Timothy Spinello ’76
Thomas P. Tidcombe ’76
James Weil ’76

Class of 1977

Richard Arey ’77
William Camilo ’77
John M. Drury ’77
Kenneth M. Holland ’77
Dean T. Jaeger ’77
Michael A. Linne ’77
Kenneth Lugowe ’77
Robert MacDougall ’77
Michael J. McCabe ’77
Peter J. Nagle ’77
William R. O’Connell ’77
Victor J. Patane ’77
Thomas S. Paterno ’77
Daniel J. Pfleger ’77
Lawrence Reidy ’77
Dana P. Russell ’77
Thomas T. Warshaw ’77
Thomas Woods ’77

Class of 1978

John Ames ’78
Walter Baillie ’78
John J. Hildin ’78
James D. Hughes ’78
William C. Johnson III ’78
Michael A. Joyce ’78
James H. Leary ’78
Donald R. Lee ’78
Jeffrey Morgan ’78
B. Jeffrey Morris ’78
James Nappi ’78
John Smock ’78
George B. Trevett, Jr. ’78
John W. Walker ’78

Class of 1979

Donald Cameron, Jr. ’79
Stephen J. Cangialosi ’79
Ronald J. Dedalis ’79
Dominic Floridia ’79
Louis Forino ’79
John J. Lehen ’79
Robert L. Maggs, Jr. ’79
J. Scott Neuner ’79
Rodney Rosenberg ’79
Michael P. Tucker ’79
Gregory A. Voit ’79